Getting hurt in the workplace may be a stressful and perplexing situation. You may be wondering what your rights are and how to get the compensation you deserve. Workers’ compensation is a type of insurance that pays payments to employees who are injured or ill on the job. It can pay for medical expenditures, missed earnings, and other associated costs. An attorney at Sattiraju & Tharney can tell you more, so schedule a consultation today. 

What is workers’ compensation? 

Workers’ compensation is a scheme administered by state laws. This implies that the laws and advantages differ from state to state. However, workers’ compensation is often a no-fault system. This implies you can obtain benefits regardless of who caused your injuries.

Who is covered by workers’ comp? 

Most states require firms with at least one employee to have workers’ compensation insurance. However, there are a few outliers. For example, some jurisdictions exclude particular sorts of firms, such as those with a small number of employees or those in specific industries.

What does workers’ comp cover? 

Workers’ compensation can cover a wide range of expenditures, including:

  • Medical expenses, such as doctor visits, hospital stays, and surgery
  • Lost wages if you are unable to work due to your injury
  • Disability benefits, if you are permanently disabled as a result of your injury
  • Death benefits: if your injury results in death

What is not covered by workers’ comp? 

Workers’ compensation may not cover all injuries or diseases. Some typical exclusions are:

  • Injuries that are caused by intentional self-harm
  • Injuries that are caused by intoxication or drug use
  • Injuries that are not work-related

How do you file a workers’ comp claim? 

If you are injured on the job, you should file a workers’ compensation claim as quickly as possible. The method of submitting a claim varies by state, but in general, you will need to:

  • Report your injury to your employer
  • Seek medical attention
  • File a claim with your state’s workers’ compensation agency

Getting help with your workers’ comp claim 

The workers’ compensation system can be complicated. Consult with a workers’ compensation attorney. An attorney can assist you in understanding your rights, making a claim, and reaching an agreement with your employer’s insurance carrier.

Seek the help of a legal expert today. 

Navigating the complexity of workers’ compensation may be difficult, especially while recuperating from an injury. While many people successfully handle the procedure on their own, legal representation may considerably enhance your case and guarantee you obtain the full compensation you deserve. Schedule a consultation with an experienced attorney today.