The startup culture has changed the corporate world to a large extent. Successful startups prove that a sound business can be built with a good idea and talent to back it up. However small a company may be, as long as it innovates and offers a unique product/service, it can survive in a pool of bigger fishes. However, while the core values of startups revolve around novelty and invention, the financial aspect can be a tricky nut to crack. Some entrepreneurs choose to crowdfund, while others take the traditional route of a business loan.

Here are some ways you can drive your startup idea:

Look for an angel investor

These investors are called so because they put their money in a company in its nascent stage. Since there are risks involved in the early years of a business, these investors are nothing short of angels for startups. The most effective way to find an angel investor for your business is via networking.

Take a business loan for startup

Since these loans are unsecured, they make for a reliable option for new business owners. The eligibility criteria can be easily met by most startups, and the funds are disbursed within a few hours of approval. If you are unsure of how this loan can financially impact you in the future, you can use a business loan calculator and determine your EMIs and loan tenure. This will help you come up with a suitable repayment plan.

Consider crowdfunding

This method is particularly helpful for businesses with sustainable ideals and ethical work practices. Often, people are willing to help such startups. One of the most lucrative benefits of crowdfunding is the fact that there is no interest for the borrower to pay. Moreover, you are not obliged to pay back the lenders as long as you can deliver the promised product or service. However, despite various crowdfunding platforms on the internet, this method can be a tad unreliable. It can be hard to find the right group of people, the final amount collected may not match your goal, and it can take a lot of time to gather the needed funds.

Given that most financial institutions have very basic business loan eligibility requirements, a loan can be a more reliable way of funding in comparison.

Seek help from friends and family

Seeking help from relatives and friends can be another way to finance your startup. There are no hidden costs involved. You can land yourself a good deal based on your repayment ability. Moreover, friends and family can offer you moral support, along with monetary assistance. However, since most people have limited savings, this method may not be ideal if you need a substantial amount of money.


Establishing and running a startup business can be an exhilarating journey as long as the foundation is sound. While the idea behind a business is its most important virtue, finding the correct financial backing is just as crucial. The suggestions listed above can help you set up your venture. You could also take up a business loan online from Tata Capital. With a business loan interest rate starting from just 19%, this can be a convenient form of credit for your business.