If you have been hurt in a car accident, you may be thinking about pursuing an accident claim. with this in mind, you may also wonder how much compensation you can receive. Experienced car accident lawyers Miami FL can determine your claim’s value by assessing the effects of the accident and your injuries on your life. From medical expenses to lost wages, and pain and suffering, your lawyer should consider all of your damages when determining the amount of compensation that you deserve. 

What Affects Your Claim’s Value

Car accident claims can be expensive and complex. Depending on how serious the accident is, damages can include medical bills, lost wages, rehabilitation costs, property damage, and pain and suffering. Your claim’s value is determined by assessing your economic and non-economic damages. 

Sometimes, a judge may assign a fault percentage to every party in an accident case. This is called comparative negligence, which can reduce your claim’s value. This can happen if you share the blame for the accident. for instance, if the court determines you are 40 percent at fault for the accident and you sustain damages of $100, 000, your possible settlement amount is only $60, 000.

Examining Policy Limits and Coverage Limits

When your attorney evaluates the value of your claim, they will examine all parties’ policy limits and insurance coverage. This allows them to determine the amount of compensation they can recover from the insurer or the liable party. Insurance coverage that can be looked into when trying to seek compensation for car accidents includes bodily injury liability coverage, uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage, collision coverage, and property damage liability coverage. 

In addition, your attorney will also review insurance policy limits. These limits refer to the maximum amount insurers may pay out for claims. 

To make sure the value of your accident claim is assessed accurately, you need to hire a skilled car accident attorney to do it. Your attorney will work with medical professionals and college evidence to bolster your case. Medical experts can help assess the extent of your injuries and how they affect you in the long term. Diagnostic reports, medical records, and expert opinions will help your lawyer come up with an accurate value for your claim. 

Once your attorney has determined how much compensation you should get, they can start negotiating with the insurance company involved. Your attorney is willing to do this back and forth until the company agrees to pay you the compensation you are entitled to. But if the insurer refuses to settle your case, your attorney can take it to trial.